


This operation list Disconnect Order initiated by the customer.

Resource URL

Environment URL




Attribute NameTypeDescription
descriptionstringExtra information about a given entity. Only useful in processes involving human interaction. Not applicable for the automated process.
externalIdstringID given by the consumer and only understandable by him (to facilitate his searches afterwards)
projectIdstringAn identifier that is used to group Quotes that represent a unit of functionality that is important to a Buyer. A Project can be used to relate multiple Quotes together.
note(Json Array)
idstringIdentifier of the note within its containing entity (may or may not be globally unique, depending on provider implementation)
textstringText of the note
relatedContactInformation(Json Array)
emailAddressstringEmail address
namestringName of the contact
numberstringPhone number
numberExtensionstringPhone number extension
organizationstringThe organization or company that the contact belongs to
rolestringThe role of the particular contact in a given context.
Attribute NameTypeDescription
rolestringRole of this place
citystringThe city that the address is in
countrystringCountry that the address is in
Attribute NameTypeDescription
buildingNamestringAllows for identification of places that require building name as part of addressing information
idstringUnique Identifier of the subAddress
levelNumberstringUsed where a level type may be repeated e.g. BASEMENT 1, BASEMENT 2
levelTypestringDescribes level types within a building
privateStreetNamestringPrivate streets internal to a property (e.g. a university) may have internal names that are not recorded by the land title office
privateStreetNumberstringPrivate streets numbers internal to a private street
subUnit(Json Array)
subUnitNumberstringThe discriminator used for the subunit, often just a simple number but may also be a range.
subUnitTypestringThe type of subunit e.g.BERTH, FLAT, PIER, SUITE, SHOP, TOWER, UNIT, WHARF.
localitystringThe locality that the address is in
postcodestringDescriptor for a postal delivery area used to speed and simplify the delivery of mail (also known as zip code)
postcodeExtensionstringAn extension of a postal code. E.g. the part following the dash in an american urban property address
stateOrProvincestringThe State or Province that the address is in
streetNamestringName of the street or other street type
streetNrstringNumber identifying a specific property on a public street. It may be combined with streetNrLast for ranged addresses.
streetNrLaststringLast number in a range of street numbers allocated to a property
streetNrLastSuffixstringLast street number suffix for a ranged address
streetNrSuffixstringThe first street number suffix
streetSuffixstringA modifier denoting a relative direction
streetTypestringAlley, avenue, boulevard, brae, crescent, drive, highway, lane, terrace, parade, place, tarn, way, wharf
productOrderItem(Json Array)
Attribute NameTypeDescription
actionstringAction to be performed on the Product Item. The action types are described in MEF 79 (Sn
idstringId of this POQ item which is unique within the POQ. Assigned by the Buyer.
agreementNamestringName of the agreement. The name is unique between the Buyer and the Seller.
Attribute NameTypeDescription
Attribute NameTypeDescription
idstringThe unique identifier of an in-service Product that is the qualifications subject. This field MUST be populated if an item action is either modify or delete. This field MUST NOT be populated if an item action is add.
Attribute NameTypeDescription
idstringid of a Product Offering. It is assigned by the Seller. The Buyer and the Seller exchange information about offerings ids during the onboarding process.
Attribute NameTypeDescription
typestringThe name of the type that uniquely identifies the type of the product that is the subject of the POQ Request. In case of MEF product this is the URN provided in the Product Specification.
Attribute NameTypeDescription
namestringName of the product characteristic
valueTypestringPayload value
Attribute NameTypeDescription
physicalLayerstringWhich could be one of the following PHY interfaceIEEE Std 802.3 – 2015 but excluding 1000BASE-PX-D and 1000BASE-PX-U,IEEE Std 802.3bp – 2016,IEEE Std 802.3bq – 2016,IEEE Std 802.3bs – 2017,IEEE Std 802.3bu – 2016,IEEE Std 802.3bv – 2017,IEEE Std 802.3by – 2016,IEEE Std 802.3bz – 2016;
accessSpeedstringSpeed of access link to Verizon POP
uniSpeedstringUNI Speed
connectorTypestringType of connector such as Single Mode or Multi-mode
powerstringDC or AC Power
customerHandoffstringAll types of access out of PQ i.e, Ethernet
accessDesignstringStandalone Loop (Customer direct access to Verizon network where UNI is at customer location)
note(Json Array)
idstringIdentifier of the note within its containing entity (may or may not be globally unique, depending on provider implementation)
textstringText of the note
relatedContactInformation(Json Array)
emailAddressstringEmail address
namestringName of the contact
numberstringPhone number
numberExtensionstringPhone number extension
organizationstringThe organization or company that the contact belongs to
rolestringThe role of the particular contact in a given context.
Attribute NameTypeDescription
rolestringRole of this place
citystringThe city that the address is in
countrystringCountry that the address is in
Attribute NameTypeDescription
buildingNamestringAllows for identification of places that require building name as part of addressing information
idstringUnique Identifier of the subAddress
levelNumberstringUsed where a level type may be repeated e.g. BASEMENT 1, BASEMENT 2
levelTypestringDescribes level types within a building
privateStreetNamestringPrivate streets internal to a property (e.g. a university) may have internal names that are not recorded by the land title office
privateStreetNumberstringPrivate streets numbers internal to a private street
subUnit(Json Array)
subUnitNumberstringThe discriminator used for the subunit, often just a simple number but may also be a range.
subUnitTypestringThe type of subunit e.g.BERTH, FLAT, PIER, SUITE, SHOP, TOWER, UNIT, WHARF.
localitystringThe locality that the address is in
postcodestringDescriptor for a postal delivery area used to speed and simplify the delivery of mail (also known as zip code)
postcodeExtensionstringAn extension of a postal code. E.g. the part following the dash in an american urban property address
stateOrProvincestringThe State or Province that the address is in
streetNamestringName of the street or other street type
streetNrstringNumber identifying a specific property on a public street. It may be combined with streetNrLast for ranged addresses.
streetNrLaststringLast number in a range of street numbers allocated to a property
streetNrLastSuffixstringLast street number suffix for a ranged address
streetNrSuffixstringThe first street number suffix
streetSuffixstringA modifier denoting a relative direction
streetTypestringAlley, avenue, boulevard, brae, crescent, drive, highway, lane, terrace, parade, place, tarn, way, wharf
Attribute NameTypeDescription
externalIdintegerA Product Order is a type of order which can be used to place an order between a customer and a service provider or between a service provider and a partner and vice versa
reasonstringText that explains the reason for the error. This can be shown to a client user.
messagestringText that provides mode details and corrective actions related to the error. This can be shown to a client user.
referenceErrorstringURL pointing to documentation describing the error
codestringOne of the following error codes:missingQueryParameter: The URI is missing a required query-string parameter missingQueryValue: The URI is missing a required query-string parameter value invalidQuery: The query section of the URI is invalid. invalidBody: The request has an invalid body
Attribute NameTypeDescription
descriptionstringExtra information about a given entity. Only useful in processes involving human interaction. Not applicable for the automated process.
externalIdstringID given by the consumer and only understandable by him (to facilitate his searches afterwards)
projectIdstringAn identifier that is used to group Quotes that represent a unit of functionality that is important to a Buyer. A Project can be used to relate multiple Quotes together.
note(Json Array)
idstringIdentifier of the note within its containing entity (may or may not be globally unique, depending on provider implementation)
textstringText of the note
relatedContactInformation(Json Array)
emailAddressstringEmail address
namestringName of the contact
numberstringPhone number
numberExtensionstringPhone number extension
organizationstringThe organization or company that the contact belongs to
rolestringThe role of the particular contact in a given context.
Attribute NameTypeDescription
rolestringRole of this place
citystringThe city that the address is in
countrystringCountry that the address is in
Attribute NameTypeDescription
buildingNamestringAllows for identification of places that require building name as part of addressing information
idstringUnique Identifier of the subAddress
levelNumberstringUsed where a level type may be repeated e.g. BASEMENT 1, BASEMENT 2
levelTypestringDescribes level types within a building
privateStreetNamestringPrivate streets internal to a property (e.g. a university) may have internal names that are not recorded by the land title office
privateStreetNumberstringPrivate streets numbers internal to a private street
subUnit(Json Array)
subUnitNumberstringThe discriminator used for the subunit, often just a simple number but may also be a range.
subUnitTypestringThe type of subunit e.g.BERTH, FLAT, PIER, SUITE, SHOP, TOWER, UNIT, WHARF.
localitystringThe locality that the address is in
postcodestringDescriptor for a postal delivery area used to speed and simplify the delivery of mail (also known as zip code)
postcodeExtensionstringAn extension of a postal code. E.g. the part following the dash in an american urban property address
stateOrProvincestringThe State or Province that the address is in
streetNamestringName of the street or other street type
streetNrstringNumber identifying a specific property on a public street. It may be combined with streetNrLast for ranged addresses.
streetNrLaststringLast number in a range of street numbers allocated to a property
streetNrLastSuffixstringLast street number suffix for a ranged address
streetNrSuffixstringThe first street number suffix
streetSuffixstringA modifier denoting a relative direction
streetTypestringAlley, avenue, boulevard, brae, crescent, drive, highway, lane, terrace, parade, place, tarn, way, wharf
productOrderItem(Json Array)
Attribute NameTypeDescription
actionstringAction to be performed on the Product Item. The action types are described in MEF 79 (Sn
idstringId of this POQ item which is unique within the POQ. Assigned by the Buyer.
agreementNamestringName of the agreement. The name is unique between the Buyer and the Seller.
Attribute NameTypeDescription
Attribute NameTypeDescription
idstringThe unique identifier of an in-service Product that is the qualifications subject. This field MUST be populated if an item action is either modify or delete. This field MUST NOT be populated if an item action is add.
Attribute NameTypeDescription
idstringid of a Product Offering. It is assigned by the Seller. The Buyer and the Seller exchange information about offerings ids during the onboarding process.
Attribute NameTypeDescription
typestringThe name of the type that uniquely identifies the type of the product that is the subject of the POQ Request. In case of MEF product this is the URN provided in the Product Specification.
Attribute NameTypeDescription
namestringName of the product characteristic
valueTypestringPayload value
Attribute NameTypeDescription
physicalLayerstringWhich could be one of the following PHY interfaceIEEE Std 802.3 – 2015 but excluding 1000BASE-PX-D and 1000BASE-PX-U,IEEE Std 802.3bp – 2016,IEEE Std 802.3bq – 2016,IEEE Std 802.3bs – 2017,IEEE Std 802.3bu – 2016,IEEE Std 802.3bv – 2017,IEEE Std 802.3by – 2016,IEEE Std 802.3bz – 2016;
accessSpeedstringSpeed of access link to Verizon POP
uniSpeedstringUNI Speed
connectorTypestringType of connector such as Single Mode or Multi-mode
powerstringDC or AC Power
customerHandoffstringAll types of access out of PQ i.e, Ethernet
accessDesignstringStandalone Loop (Customer direct access to Verizon network where UNI is at customer location)
note(Json Array)
idstringIdentifier of the note within its containing entity (may or may not be globally unique, depending on provider implementation)
textstringText of the note
relatedContactInformation(Json Array)
emailAddressstringEmail address
namestringName of the contact
numberstringPhone number
numberExtensionstringPhone number extension
organizationstringThe organization or company that the contact belongs to
rolestringThe role of the particular contact in a given context.
Attribute NameTypeDescription
rolestringRole of this place
citystringThe city that the address is in
countrystringCountry that the address is in
Attribute NameTypeDescription
buildingNamestringAllows for identification of places that require building name as part of addressing information
idstringUnique Identifier of the subAddress
levelNumberstringUsed where a level type may be repeated e.g. BASEMENT 1, BASEMENT 2
levelTypestringDescribes level types within a building
privateStreetNamestringPrivate streets internal to a property (e.g. a university) may have internal names that are not recorded by the land title office
privateStreetNumberstringPrivate streets numbers internal to a private street
subUnit(Json Array)
subUnitNumberstringThe discriminator used for the subunit, often just a simple number but may also be a range.
subUnitTypestringThe type of subunit e.g.BERTH, FLAT, PIER, SUITE, SHOP, TOWER, UNIT, WHARF.
localitystringThe locality that the address is in
postcodestringDescriptor for a postal delivery area used to speed and simplify the delivery of mail (also known as zip code)
postcodeExtensionstringAn extension of a postal code. E.g. the part following the dash in an american urban property address
stateOrProvincestringThe State or Province that the address is in
streetNamestringName of the street or other street type
streetNrstringNumber identifying a specific property on a public street. It may be combined with streetNrLast for ranged addresses.
streetNrLaststringLast number in a range of street numbers allocated to a property
streetNrLastSuffixstringLast street number suffix for a ranged address
streetNrSuffixstringThe first street number suffix
streetSuffixstringA modifier denoting a relative direction
streetTypestringAlley, avenue, boulevard, brae, crescent, drive, highway, lane, terrace, parade, place, tarn, way, wharf
Attribute NameTypeDescription
externalIdintegerA Product Order is a type of order which can be used to place an order between a customer and a service provider or between a service provider and a partner and vice versa
reasonstringText that explains the reason for the error. This can be shown to a client user.
messagestringText that provides mode details and corrective actions related to the error. This can be shown to a client user.
referenceErrorstringURL pointing to documentation describing the error
codestringOne of the following error codes:missingQueryParameter: The URI is missing a required query-string parameter missingQueryValue: The URI is missing a required query-string parameter value invalidQuery: The query section of the URI is invalid. invalidBody: The request has an invalid body

Body Parameters

Name Values Description

Sample Request


Please login to send the sample request and get a reponse back.

Response Error Details

  • HTTP Code
    Error Code
  • 204

    Successfull status value

  • 400

    Invalid status value
